Monday, September 30, 2019

Power & Duties of a Social Worker Essay

This paper discusses and explores both case studies in order to find the powers and duties a social worker acting in a statutory capacity might exercise in these cases, how might they be exercised and how might wider principles of welfare law impact on their decision making? It also analyses the tensions and dilemmas that may exist, referring to specific legislative provisions, and identify how anti-oppressive practice might influence the resolution of these case studies. It also demonstrates an ability to study relevant law in social work practice and have a critical and analytical understanding of the service delivery standards and powers and duties of social workers, demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of key areas of welfare law that are significant to service users analyses the tensions and dilemmas that arise in the implication of the law in social work practice and be able to demonstrate a commitment to the anti-oppressive practice of social work law. This paper is focused on two separate case studies:First Case Study: Jack and Lauren have two Children named as Makayla aged 18 Months and Christopher aged 5 years. The local Authorities and Children’s Services have a referral from a relative who is concerned that the Children had witnessed Jack and Lauren fighting. What is more Jack brings people back to the house who drink heavily and Lauren has left the children alone at least twice to get drugs. When seen the children appear adequately dressed, clean, healthy and outgoing, and Christopher is attending school most days. The house is sparsely furnished but tidy and there appear to be a small number of toys. Makayla may have a development delay. She also may have difficulties with hearing and vision, which have meant numerous medical appointments, some of which have been missed. Second Case Study: Gracias speaks with pride of her house in which she and her husband raised seven children and points to the antiques she has collected. She knows the history of all the antiques she has had longest, but she looks troubled when asked about other items. Her eldest son has looked after her since he retired. She has eleven grandchildren, but she cannot remember their names. He moved in with her after she left the gas on twice and let a stranger into the house. He fells she could benefit from  re-housing since a stroke affecting her left arm and leg means she struggles with the stairs and with bathing, and recently she has begun to become incontinent at night. On the other hand, she still tends to her antiques with great care. He is also concerned that she is still managing her large account of savings and shares, which he will need to have access to if he keeps her at home. These two case studies are mainly different from each other if we study them with practical approach but certain things can be discussed simultaneously for the both cases i.e. family, approach towards the care of children, approach towards the looking after the parents, affects on children when they are ignored. Defining the FamilyA family becomes a family when two or more individuals have decided they are a family, that in the intimate, here-and-now environment in which they gather, there is a sharing of emotional needs for closeness, of living space which is deemed â€Å"home,† and of those roles and tasks necessary for meeting the biological, social and psychological requirements of the individuals involved. For our purposes in this text we mean by family â€Å"two or more people in a committed relationship from which they derive a sense of identity as a family,† thus including â€Å"nontraditional family forms that are outside the traditional legal perspective †¦ families not related by blood, marriage, or adoption† (Cohen, S., and T. A. Wills. 1985: 85)The state of marriageThe family, marriage, and the individual are inextricably interwoven. This simple fact constitutes a major conceptual and practical problem when considering the prospect of intervention in a marital problem, for it militates against clarity of thought and purpose. Certainly, conceptual distinctions can be made, and these are of central importance in the attempts of social scientists to shed light on the dynamics of family life; but such distinctions tend to rely upon the identification of boundaries that are perhaps seldom recognized, let alone drawn, by the individual experiencing the realities of marital and family life. As the father of modern family studies, Whittaker, J. K. and J. Garbarino. (1983) observed,  Ã¢â‚¬ËœWe know too much about the family to be able to study it both objectively and easily’Some family needs could be considered as being met through a combination of expressive and instrumental functions, such as child care, and health-related supports. This applies on both Case Studies. In line with the above, and in recognition of the diversity of contemporary society, we should emphasize that â€Å"respect for diversity requires that family be defined openly and broadly so as to include whomever the family itself- with its unique culture, circumstances, and history-designates† (Allen and Petr 1998:8). Practitioners should be prepared to understand and account for the special needs of minorities. As reflected throughout this volume, this means that we need to consider carefully in our practice the dimensions of race and ethnicity, including not only their significance for human functioning but also their impact on service delivery. In this regard, Pecora, P. J., W. R. Seelig, F. A. Zirps, and S. M. Davis, eds. (1996) assert: â€Å"Training practitioners for competence with diverse populations is high on the list of corrective initiatives to address †¦ inadequacies† in social work practice. A critical component of such training is learning how to promote the well-being of children and families. Promoting Child and Family Well-Being in Perspective of 1st Case StudyTo aid in our understanding of what families and children need to thrive in our society, we have developed a framework of needs and resources for family and child well-being. The framework is organized as a triangle depicting the three interrelated aspects of child and family wellbeing:†¢ What children need for their optimal Development,†¢ What families need to survive and fulfill their functions successfully, and†¢ The neighborhood, community, and environmental resources that families and their children require. At the center of the model is the overall goal for family-centered social work practice: safeguarding and promoting the well-being and Welfare Law of children and their families. We will refer to this framework throughout the paper, so as to highlight key points about promoting child and family  wellbeing and safety as well as delineate guidelines and principles for assessment and intervention. The model draws from the contributions of a number of sources in an attempt to show the range of interrelated family and child needs that, when met, promote optimal functioning and development. Resilience, Coping, and AdaptationIn their work with children and families, practitioners can be guided by knowledge regarding resilience, coping, and adaptation-key constructs in understanding human beings and human behavior. Before elaborating on each of these constructs, it is useful to consider the competence centered perspective on social work practice, which can serve as a frame of reference for practitioners. Competence-Centered Perspective & Principles of Welfare LawThe competence-centered perspective builds upon ecology as a metaphor guiding the study of the interactions between living organisms and their environments (Bronfenbrenner 1979). In particular, such a metaphor calls attention to the â€Å"influence of external environments on the functioning of families as contexts of human development† (Bronfenbrenner 1986:723). As an orientation to practice, ecology helps us to appreciate that human beings are engaged in continuous transaction with their environment; furthermore, the ecological view provides insight into the nature and consequence of such transactions both for human beings and for the physical and social environments in which they function (Germain and Gitterman 1996:5-19). Evaluation in perspective of Case Study 2By offering a broad conceptual lens to view human functioning and needs, ecology underscores that social work intervention should address the interface between human beings and their impinging environments: practitioners focus on improving the transactions between people and environments in order to enhance adaptive capacities as well as enrich environments for all who function within them (Germain and Gitterman 1996). In using such an orientation, practitioners can help mobilize the actual and potential strengths and resources of individuals, families, and groups while simultaneously seeking to render environments more responsive to the adaptive and coping needs of human organisms (Kagan, S. L. 1995). In addition, workers are helped to understand the relationships  between families and their environments and identify the significant sources of support as well as stress and conflict. They can then assess more objectively the complex personal and environmental factors affecting parents and children and arrive at more appropriate treatment plans and recommendations. The competence perspective draws from ego psychology; psychodynamic psychology; and learning, developmental, and family systems theories. In social work as in other fields, competence is generally defined as the repertoire of skills that enable the person to function effectively. However, a distinction should be made between the notion of discrete competencies or skills and the broader, ecological or transactional concept of competence. The latter may be defined as the outcome of the interplay among:†¢ A person’s capacities, skills, potentialities, limitations, and othercharacteristics. †¢ A person’s motivation-that is, her or his interests, hopes, beliefs, andaspirations, and†¢ the qualities of the person’s impinging environment-such as socialnetworks, environmental demands, and opportunities (Maluccio 1981). Stress, Risk, and Protective Factors in perspective of Both Case StudiesIn the course of their development, families and children encounter a variety of stresses and risks that need to be considered in any interventive plans or services. Stress and risk are closely related concepts. As Roskies (1991:412) indicates, â€Å"In spite of its widespread use, there is no single, precise definition of the term stress.† Saleebey, D. (2002) who is regarded as the father of modern stress theory, focuses on physiological reactions of the human organism in its struggle to resist noxious stimuli or stressors. Along with other theorists, Locke and Taylor (1991:157) define stress as â€Å"the emotional response, typically consisting of fear and/and anxiety and associated physical symptoms resulting from† perceived threats to one’s well-being or selfesteem. We think of stress as internal tension or strain produced in the human being in response to any one or more factors. Risk has been defined as â€Å"any influence that increases the probability of onset, digression to a more serious state, or the maintenance of a problem condition† (Fraser 1997a:3). â€Å"Risk or vulnerability represents a heightened probability of negative outcome based on the presence of one or more† factors such as â€Å"genetic, biological, behavioral, socio-cultural, and demographic conditions, characteristics, or attributes† (Fraser 1997:10). Examples of environmental risks are family dysfunction, child abuse, parental illness, and, above all, poverty. Protective factors are â€Å"those internal and external forces that help children resist or ameliorate risk† (Fraser 1997a:13). Rutter (1985:600) further defines protective factors as â€Å"influences that modify, ameliorate, or alter a person’s response to some environmental hazard that predisposes to a maladaptive outcome.† Problem-solving skills, a sense of self-efficacy, and an internal locus of control are examples of internal forces found in resilient children and youths. Examples of external forces are the strong family presence of a caring, supportive adult in the family and a safe and supportive school set- ting. As Benard (1997) explains, schools can provide a protective environment for many youths and children through the caring and support and high expectations of teachers and other school personnel as well as the opportunities available for meaningful participation in the life of the classroom, school, or community.Under certain conditions the interplay between risk factors and protective mechanisms leads to successful coping and adaptation: â€Å"An individual is able to cope so long as the balance among risks, stressful life events, and protective factors is manageable. But when risk factors and stressful life events outweigh the protective factors, even the most resilient children can develop problems (Werner 1989:80). â€Å"Through her longitudinal, life span study of 618 children, Werner (1994 and 1995) has demonstrated the role of protective factors within the family and community, such as socioeconomic supports, in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. As considered in subsequent chapters, social workers can play important roles in promoting resilience in children and youths. In particular, in conjunction with the concepts delineated in the preceding section, the constructs of risk, stress, and protective factors suggest several interrelated themes that can help guide social work practice with  families and children: †¢ Human beings are engaged in ongoing, dynamic transactions with theirenvironment and in a continuous process of growth and adaptation. †¢ Human beings are â€Å"open systems† that are spontaneously active andmotivated to achieve competence in their coping with life demands and environmental challenges. †¢ Varied environmental opportunities and social supports are necessary tosustain and promote a human being’s efforts to grow, to achieve self-fulfillment, and to contribute to others. †¢ Appropriate supports should be matched to the human being’s changingqualities and needs in order to maximize the development of her or hiscompetence, identity, autonomy, and self-fulfillment. Intergenerational Aspects and Principles of Welfare Law In perspective to Case Study 2Throughout human history and across societies, parents have relied on the extended family, especially grandparents, for help in care of their children. Such reliance is becoming increasingly problematic, due to such factors as the geographic mobility of families and, above all, growing societal problems in such areas as housing, poverty, substance abuse, and family violence. In addition, there is an increasing proportion of mothers at an early age, including early adolescence; the families of these young mothers are often struggling with their own issues, problems, and challenges. It has been estimated that, as of the early 1990s, between 2.3 and 4.3 million children lived in the homes of relatives without their parents (Everett 1995). The U.S. Bureau of the Census (1995) reports that approximately 3.9 million children were being raised in grandparent-headed households in 1995. While kinship caring is more common among families of color, it is seen also among white families. As extensively considered by Hegar and Scannapieco (1999), kinship care is a complex phenomenon-whether provided through informal arrangements or through state supervision. According to these authors, among the issues to be considered are the  following: How should formal kinship care differ from informal care arranged by the families? Should kinship care be classified as either out-of-home care or family preservation? Should foster families licensure or certification be required of kinship families? How long should the state subsidize placement with kin?In view of the above, practitioners need to give increased attention to the intergenerational aspects of family and child Welfare Law services. In particular, agency policies and programs should recognize the crucial role of grandparents in caring partially or fully for their grandchildren, including teenage granddaughters who are pregnant or have children of their own. Since they face multiple tasks during a crucial phase of their own development, parenting grandparents need a social service system that responds to their needs. As recommended by the Child Welfare League of America (Child Welfare League of America 1994; National Commission on Family Foster Care 1991), following are some of the strategies that are especially crucial in promoting intergenerational interventions:†¢ offering services to the parents as well as the grandparents to meet their own needs as caregivers as well as the child’s needs,†¢ providing adequate financial supports, especially in view of the precarious financial conditions of many grandparents,†¢ monitoring the child’s placement in kinship care, so as to ensure the child’s well-being as well as address the needs of the kinship family, and†¢ encouraging practitioners to appreciate and respect each the child’s and family’s cultural, racial, and ethnic identity. In addition, there needs to be attention to the ongoing psychosocial issues that many parenting grandparents experience as they are faced with their own basic physical, emotional, and financial adjustments (Poe 1992), the interaction between parents and grandparents, with its potential for frustration and conflicts, the issue of permanency planning for children placed with relatives, and the parents’ own need for help in connection with their own problems as well as their functioning as parents. Various authors consider these issues in detail. For example, Poe (1992) offers implications for policy and treatment in the situations of black grandparents. Doucette-Dudman and LaCure (1996) present guidelines for helping grandparents and social service professionals cope with the challenges  inherent in grandparent parenting. Generations United (1998) offers recommendations and strategies for dealing with economic supports, health care, education, child care, and legal issues in the situations of grandparents and other relatives raising children. Maluccio (1999) describes intergenerational approaches to helping families at risk, such as foster grandparent programs, mentoring of young mothers by elderly persons, and having older adults work with families experiencing child abuse or neglect. Child-Focused and Family-Centered Practice In perspective of Welfare LawSocial Work Practice requires that we maintain a principal focus on the child within a family-centered context. As discussed more extensively elsewhere, such a focus suggests that, in most cases, the child can best be helped by regarding the family as the central unit of service or focus of attention, whenever and as much as possible. Human beings can best be understood and helped within their significant environment, and the family is the most intimate environment of all. It is here that the child develops and forms her or his identity and basic competence. The family has the potential to provide resources throughout the life cycle, especially as its members are sustained and supported by various services (Germain 1999). The family’s own environment can be employed as the arena in which practitioners intervene to help strengthen communication, parenting skills, and parent-child relationships.As reflected throughout this volume, we consider the following guidelines as especially important in implementing child-focused and family-centered practice:†¢ There is emphasis on prevention and intervention strategies that reduce stress and risk and promote coping and resilience in children and families. †¢ Practitioners must understand the relationship between race/racenicity and issues such as family norms, child-rearing practices, childhood and family poverty, discrimination, and funding of social services. †¢ Assessment and intervention focus on the family’s transactions with its kinship system, school, community institutions, and other social networks that affect its functioning. Intervention strategies are directed not only toward engaging the family in treatment but also toward changing the social  systems that influence it. There is emphasis on case management strategies and community-based approaches that help empower vulnerable clients (Rothman 1994). †¢ Many parents can be helped to become rehabilitated or to plan responsibly for their children through family treatment approaches as alternatives to placement of children out of their homes or as methods of speeding up the reunification of placed children with their families. For example, birth parents of children at risk can be empowered through the use of group training. †¢ When children are separated as a result of hospitalization, imprisonment, foster home placement, or residential placement, family ties between them and their families should be preserved as much as possible, through such means as consistent parental visiting. The natural bonds between children in care and their parents may continue to be important for most parents and children long after they are physically separated for either short-term or long-term periods. †¢ Foster family, group care, or residential placement of a child should be seen as a part of the overall service rather than as the service-as a tool, rather than as an end in itself. In line with this, there should be efforts to have parents, foster parents, or other child care personnel regard themselves as partners in a shared undertaking, with common goals and mutually supportive and complementary roles. †¢ A major source of help often can be the family’s extended kinship system. (Danzy and Jackson 1997) as in situations involving parental substance abuse. As another example, in many cases the extended family, with agency support, can help a parent avert placement or reduce the duration of placement in an unfamiliar setting. †¢ Mutual aid groups, such as those for vulnerable adolescents, gay and lesbian youths, sexual abuse survivors, or bereaved children, can be therapeutic as well as empowering (Gitterman and Shulman 1994). References Allen, R. I. and C. G. Petr. 1998. Rethinking family-centered practice. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 68:4-15. American Humane Association. 1998. Assessing Outcomes in Child Welfare Services: Principles, Concepts, and a Framework of Core Indicators. Englewood, Col.: AHA, Children’s Division. Benard, B. 1994. Applications of resilience. Paper presented at a conference on the Role of Resilience in Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, and Mental Illness, December 5-6. Washington, D.C. Cited in D. Saleebey 1997. Benard, B. 1997. Fostering resiliency in children and youth: Promoting protective factors in the school. In D. Saleebey, ed., The Strengths Perspective in Social Work, pp. 167-182. 2d ed. New York: Longman. Bronfenbrenner, U. 1979. The Ecology of Human Development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Bronfenbrenner, U. 1986. Ecology of the family as a context for human development: Research perspectives. Developmental Psychology 22 (6): 723-742. Cohen, S., and T. A. Wills. 1985. Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin 98 (2): 310-357. Maluccio. 1999. The rationalization of foster care in the twenty-first century. In P.A. Curtis, G. Dale Jr., and J. C. Kendall, eds., The Foster Care Crisis: Translating Research Into Policy and Practice, pp. 225-242. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Danzy, J., and Jackson, S.M. 1997. Family preservation and support services: A missed opportunity for kinship care. Child Welfare 76:31-44. Doucette-Dudman, D. and J. R. LaCure. 1996. Raising Our Children’s Children. Minneapolis: Fairview. Everett, J. 1995. Relative foster care: An emerging trend in foster care placements policy and practice. Smith College Studies in Social Work 65:239-254. Everett, J. E. 1997. Theoretical, policy, research and clinical perspectives for social work practice with African Americans. Special issue. Smith College Studies in Social Work 67 (3): 255-643. Everett, J. E., S. S. Chipungu, and B. R. Leashore, eds. 1991. Child Welfare: An Africentric Perspective. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. Fraser, C. 1995. Suffering children and the Christian Science Church. Atlantic Monthly, April, pp. 105-120. Fraser, M. W. 1990. Program outcome measures. In Y.-Y. T. Yuan and M. Rivest, eds., Preserving Families: Evaluation Resources for Practitioners and Policymakers, pp. 77-101. Newbury Park, Cal.: Sage. Fraser, M. W., ed. 1997a. Risk and Resilience in Childhood: An Ecological Perspective. Washington, D.C.: NASW. 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Putting Families First: America’s FamilyLee, J. A. B. 2000. The Empowerment Approach to Social Work Practice. 2d ed. New York: Columbia University Press. Locke, E. A. and S. M. Taylor. 1991. Stress, coping, and the meaning of work. In A. Monat and R.S. Lazarus, eds., Stress and Coping:An Anthology, pp. 140- 157.3d ed. New York: Columbia University Press. Pecora, P. J., W. R. Seelig, F. A. Zirps, and S. M. Davis, eds. 1996. Quality Improvement and Evaluation in Child and Family Services: Managing Into the Next Century. Washington, D.C.: CWLA. Poe, C. G. 1992. Social Work with Children and Their Families: Pragmatic Foundations. New York: Oxford University Press. Roskies, E. 1991. Stress management: A new approach to treatment. In A. Monat and R. S. Lazarus, eds., Stress and Coping:An Anthology, pp. 411-431. 3d ed. New York: Columbia University Press. Rothman, J. 1994. Practice with Highly Vulnerable Clients: Case Management and Community-Based Service. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Rothman, J. C. 1998. From the Front Lines: Student Cases in Social Work Ethics. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Rutter, M. 1985. Resilience in the face of adversity: Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry 147:598-611. Saleebey, D., ed. 2002. The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice. 3d ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Werner, E. E. 1989. High-risk children in young adulthood: A longitudinal study from birth to thirty-two years. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 59:72-81. Werner, E. E. 1994. Overcoming the odds. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 15:131-136. Werner, E. E. 1995. Resilience in development. American Psychological Society 4:81-85. Whittaker, J. K. and J. Garbarino. 1983. Social Support Networks: Informal Helping in the Human Services. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hey Huhhuhu

ESO210/ESO203A: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Assignment 4 Date of Submission: 20th March, 2013 1. The rotor shown in Fig. 1 has two coils. The rotor is nonmagnetic and and is placed in a uniform magnetic ? eld of magnitude B0 . The coil sides are of radius R and are uniformly spaced around the rotor surface. The ? rst coil carrying a current I1 and second coil carrying a current I2 . Assuming that the rotor is 0. 30 m long, R=0. 13 m, and B0 = 0. 85 T, ? nd the ? directed torque as a function of rotor position ? for (a) I1 =0A and I2 =5A, (b)I1 =5A and I2 =0A, and (c)I1 =8A and I2 =8A.Uniform magnetic field, B 0y r ? ?2 ?1 R ? ? x Figure 1: 2. An inductor has an inductance which is found experimentally to be of the form L= 2L0 1+x/x0 where L0 =30 mH, x0 =0. 87 mm, and x is the displacement of movable element. Its winding resistance is measured and found to equal 110 m?. (a) The displacement x is held constant at 0. 90 mm, and the current is increased from 0 to 6 A. Find the resultant magnetic stored energy in the inductor. (b) The current is then held constant at 6 A, and the displacement is increased to 1. 80 mm. Find the corresponding change in magnetic stored energy. . The inductor of Problem 2 is driven by a sinusoidal current source of the form i(t)=I0 sin(? t) Where I0 =5. 5A and ? =100? (50Hz). With the displacement held ? xed atx = x0 , calculate (a)the time- averaged magnetic stored energy (Wf ld ) in the inductor and (b)the time-averaged power dissipated in the winding resistance. 4. The inductance of a phase winding of a three-phase salient-pole motor is measured to be of the form L(? m )=L0 +L2 cos2? m where ? m is the angular position of the rotor. (a) How many poles are on the rotor of this motor? b) Assuming that all other winding currents are zero and that this phase is excited by a constant current I0 , ? nd the torque Tf ld (? ) acting on the rotor. 5. As shown in Fig. 2 , an N -turn electromagnet is to be used to lift a slab of iron of mass M. The surface roughness of the iron is such that when the iron and the electromagnet are in contact, there is minimum air gap of gmin =0. 18 mm in each leg. The electromagnet cross sectional area Ac =32 cm and coil resistance is 2. 8 ?. Calculate the minimum coil voltage which must be used to lift a slab of mass 95 Kg against the force of gravity. Neglect the reluctance of the iron. 8 N turn winding Ac g Iron slab, mass M Figure 2: 6. An inductor is made up of a 525-turn coil on a core of 14-cm2 cross-sectional area and air gap length 0. 16 mm. The coil is connected directly to a 120-V 60-Hz voltage source. Neglect the coil resistance and leakage inductance. Assuming the coil reluctance to be negligible, calculate the time-averaged force acting on the core tending to close the air gap. How would this force vary if the air-gap length were doubled? 7. Fig. 3 shows the general nature of the slot-leakage ? ux produced by current i in a rectangular conductor embedded in a recta ngular slot in iron.Assume that the iron reluctance is negligible and that the slot leakage ? ux goes straight across the slot in the region between the top of the conductor and the top of the slot. (a) Derive an expression for the ? ux density Bs in the region between the top of the conductor and the top of the slot. (b) Derive an expression for the slot-leakage ? s sits crossing the slot above the conductor, in terms of the height x of the slot above the conductor, the slot width s, and the embedded length l perpendicular to the paper. s Iron ?s Bs x Conductor carrying current i Figure 3: 8.The two-winding magnetic circuit of Fig. 4 has a winding on a ? xed yoke and a second winding on a movable element. The movable element is constrained to motion such that the length of both the air gaps remain equal. ?2 ?2 8 Â µ g 0 N2 turn winding A A N1 turn winding 8 Â µ ?1 ?1 Figure 4: (a) Find the self inductance of windings 1 and 2 in terms of the core dimensions and the number of turns . (b) Find the mutual inductance between the two windings. ? (c) Calculate the coenergy Wf ld (i1 ,i2 ). (d) Find the expression for the force acting on the movable element as a function of the winding currents.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Suggestions for President Obama's Strategy of Declaring Essay

Suggestions for President Obama's Strategy of Declaring - Essay Example United States is one of the countries considered with the best constitutions globally. However, there are several functional departments that citizens are crying foul of their effectiveness in the country, for instance, the congress. Basically, I agree with Obama’s suggestion that he cannot wait for a â€Å"dysfunctional† congress due to the constitutional system adopted by the United States. This paper focuses on difficulties imposed on policy making by the United States’ constitutional system. It also discuses why founders opted for a system based on separation of power, checks and balances. Moreover, it evaluates its effectiveness in the present situation of the United States. Finally, it offers personal suggestions on Obama’s strategy on declaration that he cannot wait for a â€Å"dysfunctional† congress and suggests several policies. United States is considered the world super power with strong and operational constitutional system. However, th e policies system and structure were only effective in the past years. This is because in the past years United States had really advanced both economically and politically. In the recent few years, the constitutional system adopted by United States has proved ineffective and unreliable (Child 48). This is due to non-responsive nature of the system to the problems facing the country over the past few years. In the past years that is twentieth century, united states have been faced with series of problems that have greatly compromised its position globally and exposed certain weaknesses of the constitutional system on policy making and implementation (Congress 37). United states have been faced with series of problems most of which can be controlled by the country, but the policy making procedure adopted in the constitution does not allow for quick response to such issues due to the legal procedures. For instance, unemployment rate have greatly increased in the United States over the past years (Schwartz 90). Basically, this has been caused by trade with china. China offers cheap products in the country which cannot be adequately and effectively competed against by the country’s locally produced commodities. This has led to closure of several companies’ especially local company. This is because they cannot adequately compete against Chinese products due to their market prices. This has led to exportation of unemployment from china to the United States (Leebrick 79). United States is the largest importer of Chinese products. Low cost of Chinese products is due to their currency value and regulation by the government on value regulation of the currency. Though this has caused United States its economic strength and china emerging as a potential contender as a global power house, United States have done little on addressing the issue (Schwartz 43). The country through its legislation could have suspended trade with china so as to address the problems in the economy due to the trade. However, this has taken long and the country has been frequently faced with similar problems arising from trade between the country and china. The issue has not been addressed due to the policy making procedure in the country and separation of power, checks and balances that take long. According to the constitution of the country, there are several departments and legal investigation and considerations that have to be taken before sanctioning trade with china. This shows the weak

Friday, September 27, 2019

The spatial differences betwee men and women - this is for a gender Essay

The spatial differences betwee men and women - this is for a gender psychology class - Essay Example an others but certain abilities like spatial understanding, mathematical abilities and verbal skills have been shown as having a certain gender component. Kimura (2002) reports the generally accepted observations for human and non human males which show that males of the species tend to have more aggressive behaviors than the females. She goes on to say that, â€Å"We also know that in general males are better at a variety of spatial or navigational tasks (Kimura, 2002, p. 1).† Kimura (2002) is in agreement with Putrevu (2001) who suggests that the differences originate from the biology and the evolutionary path which has been taken by the genders in humans. This focus on evolutionary psychology goes a long way in helping us understand why it is important for men to be more aggressive than the female of the species. For instance, for biological reasons, including pregnancy, childbirth, and nurturing the child, women have made more significant investments in their children. Therefore, women who are more agreeable and nurturing may have caused better chances for the survival of their offspring and created an evolutionary advantage for their genetic code. In this regard, where women have greater sensitivity to nonverbal cues it could be useful to them in evolutionary terms for rearing children. Biological differences certainly extend to the functioning of the brain since one hemisphere of the brain comes across as being dominant for various kinds of processing. Research on the topic shows that the male brain is more functionally lateralized and the female brain is more integrated. This is the basic reason for why men exhibit superior spatial abilities and women excel in verbal and linguistic skills (Putrevu, 2001). Researchers also suggest that sexual hormones and early formation environmental factors are also connected with differences in perceptual-motor skills observed between men and women (Kimura, 2002). Despite the acceptance of fact and research which is the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sampling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sampling - Research Paper Example The records from the university showed that there was a sample of 1000 alumni. The survey design will utilize control categories to obtain a representative sample from the main list. The research will list the following control categories. The sex category has a larger percentage for males. The decision was arrived at because women are fewer than men. The slightly higher percentage increased their likelihood of selection. Age categories relied on recent alumni of the university. The larger percentage of 31-35 was necessary to share experiences of those who have been in the job market based on the old training program. Other categories would include; income levels based on employment or unemployment. The last category would be educational levels assessed based on secondary, tertiary or college levels.Alumni Quota sample for alumni on new training on development program Kuwaiti bank survey aims at evaluating how banking habits differ from different ethnic groups. The researcher utilizes the systematic sampling technique in which a sample is chosen by selecting a random starting point and then picking every 5th household. The sample interval is determined from the universe that totals 200000 people. Nassipur (2004) argues that when a sample is too small, the generalizability of the findings becomes difficult. When it is too small it becomes meaningless when analyzed. Besides, when the resources and time are limited a smaller sample becomes justified. The desired sample is 1500. The sample interval shall be 133. That means every 133th household has a likelihood of selection. The population resides in a geographically ordered area where tribes live alongside each other. The sample shall be distributed according to population size per region. A triangulation of sampling quota and systematic techniques will be utilized as follows. The orderly nature of geographical distribution will increase

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Romeo and Juliet - Assignment Example The ceremony started with melodious music being played. Paris was with his best man on the altar waiting for his bride to arrive. He was blushing with joy and very happy which showed on his face. There was a silence that was music in itself as the bride, Juliet, entered. She walked down the aisle smiling but clearly showed signs of nervousness. All eyes were on the beautiful bride but there was something missing in her. Even though she was very beautiful, the glow of a happy bride seemed to be missing. Paris broke into a smile as Juliet stepped on the altar to join him. Clearly he was on cloud nine, and the nervousness of Juliet vanished as she stepped on the Altar. They made their vows in front of the guests and she they pronounced husband and wife by Friar Laurence soon after. They had their first kiss as a couple. They showed at the balcony where citizens of Verona were waiting to get a glimpse of the couple. The couple had their first kiss in public, then waived to the crowds. They walked hand in hand into the chapel again. Lord Capulet had held a dinner party attended by everyone who is anyone in Verona. The dinner was followed by dance where Paris and Juliet had their first dance as a couple. The day in great style as it had

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 68

Nursing research - Essay Example The testing of Braden scale in hospitals proved that nurses can determine the possibility of patient developing pressure sores based on the above factors. During the study period, the patients who indicated a high risk of getting the condition developed pressure sores. Pressure sores occurred in 10% of VA patients and one-quarter from nursing homes. All the patients under study had no history of pressure sores. The study had broad implications for nursing. The Braden scale has become an essential tool for assessing the risk of a patient getting pressure sores. The tool has assisted in developing alternative methods of preventing pressure sores. The methods include reducing the exposure to conditions that increase the riskiness of pressure sores. The findings of the study prove that health conditions can be prevented at the primary level. The Braden scale eased the procedure of assessing the riskiness of patients to pressure sores. I use Braden scale score to advise people on causative factors of pressure sores and how to mitigate or avoid the conditions. National Institute of Nursing Research (U.S.) (2006). Changing practice, changing lives: 10 landmark nursing research studies. Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Nursing Research, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from

Monday, September 23, 2019

Motivation Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motivation - Speech or Presentation Example This is useful to the organization because it will manage to achieve its own objectives, satisfying its customers and the various stakeholders of an organization. Take for example a cashier serving customers in a retailing organization; a cashier who is well motivated will be (Higgins, 2012); On this basis, the advantages of motivating the employees of an organization will result to the production of high quality work (Karabenick and Urdan, 2010). It is always the role of a manager to motivate his own work force. There are a number of ways and methods of motivating the workforce of an organization. These methods include, It is important to denote that these activities fall under a motivational theory. There are a number of motivational theories developed by scholars of management and psychology. One such theory is the expectancy theory. This is a theory developed by Victor Vroom, and it gives a proposal that people will behave in a certain manner, because of a reward that is attached to the action under consideration (Higgins, 2012). For example, an employee in a manufacturing organization will decide work double shifts in case of shortages of work force, and in return, the employee will expect to get some compensation and praise from the management. Another theory is the equity theory developed by John Adams in 1963. This theory denotes that employees of an organization will be motivated if they are treated equally. For example, if employees of an organization perform the same job, i.e. they are both accountant, then the management should pay them an equal salary (Karabenick and Urdan, 2010). Failure for an organization to treat its employees equally could result to a de-motivated work force. Another theory is the hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow (Higgins, 2012). This theory denotes that the employees of an organization have several needs, and they are hierarchical in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

US Weaponry advances in the Late 1800's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

US Weaponry advances in the Late 1800's - Essay Example The bullet was driven out of the muzzle at a velocity of about 1,200 feet per second, and it could travel more than 1,000 yards. In 1874, the U.S. Army also used the Colt single action Army revolver. This pistol fired six .45-caliber cartridges. The effective range of the Colt revolver dropped off rapidly over 60 yards. During the campaign, the Army employed various kinds of artillery as well. Colonel Nelson A. Miles, for example, had two Gatling guns that fired a .50 caliber bullet. The Gatling gun was capable of firing up to 300 rounds per minute. At the Battle of Red River on August 30, 1874, Col. Nelson Miles used the Gatling against the Southern Cheyenne—the first time the gun was used in combat west of the Mississippi River. Miles also brought along a 10-pounder Parrott rifle, which was actually a small cannon. The Parrott rifle fired a shell that measured 8.8 inches long by 2.86 in diameter. The shell exploded upon impact and the shell casing became the shrapnel. The maximum range of the 10-pounder Parrott rifle at five degrees elevation was about 2,000 yards. 1 By 1877 "Bulldog" was the first Gatling gun to feature a fully enclosed bronze housing over the barrels and breech. The "Bulldog" was a five-barrel .45 cal. tripod mounted weapon. A few were mounted on a light cavalry cart. A rear mounting hand crank permitted a very high rate of fire of up to 1,000 spm(single point mooring), almost twice the rate of a typical World War II machine gun. By 1889, it was a ten-barrel .45 cal. gun fully encased in a bronze jacket. A side mounting hand crank produced a rate of fire of up to 800 spm, but could be rear mounted to increase the rate up to 1,500 spm. Internal components were strengthened to withstand the punishment from the higher rate of fire. This model had a new flexible yoke that permitted a wider angle of traverse and elevation than

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ancient Greeks Essay Example for Free

Ancient Greeks Essay Ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, and math and science. The Greeks were a remarkable civilization and contributed things people use in every day life then, and currently. Some very important people of Ancient Greece include Socrates, Aristotle, Pericles’, Hippocrates, Euclid, Sophocles, Plato and Galen. All of these people shaped western civilizations, while Greece was in two wars at the time. They pushed through hardships and still created innovations that contributed to the western civilization. In the area of Philosophy, Socrates, Aristotle and Plato had a belief system that was very powerful. The philosophers initiated an approached that was based on reason. Their theories were diverse and they tried to â€Å"identify underlying principles†. Socrates believed in the encouragement of question, saying that a life without examination is not worth living. Aristotle thought that people should to live for a reason, and strive for that reason. Plato was a philosopher, and student of Socrates. He laid the foundations for philosophy in western civilizations. These ideas of human reasoning had been a big part of Greece’s influence. As well as philosophy, art and architecture were a contribution to the western civilization. As far as the monuments made, columns were used and are well known today. Performances of music and dance were vital parts of religious festivals. Not very many forms of art have been saved or found from the time of Ancient Greece. But, dramas and plays took a central role in the culture. Sophocles had created plays, and the most common was tragedy. Greek literature contained a strong epic as well including the tales of Iliad and Odyssey, both written by Homer. All of the poems, literature, architecture and dramas were vital for the western civilizations. Math and science were the most important and well-known achievement in the Greeks history. They had achieved all kinds of things in the area of psychology, physics, astrology, math, and medicine. Euclid was a Greek mathematician and was known as the ‘father of geometry†. He impacted all of math due to his book of Elements. This book had provided many theorems, which had simple forms of geometry. Although the theorems may have not been very complex, they are extremely important. Not only did they influence western civilizations, but the whole world. Medicine was very important in this era. Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician referred to as â€Å"the father of western medicine†. He adapted the Hippocratic oath stating that he would never supply someone with harmful medicine. As well as medicine, the field of astrology was key. They Greeks had studied the stars and the way things had worked in the atmosphere at night. All which were very important for the western civilization. In conclusion, Greeks were very studious and contributed things in the fields of philosophy, math, science and art. They created geometry, astrology, philosophical advancements and art advancement. All of which are used today.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Younger Onset Dementia in New South Wales

Younger Onset Dementia in New South Wales Aikesh Shrestha Management of younger onset dementia (YOD) in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people, residing in remote areas of New South Wales (NSW). Dementia is an umbrella terminology that encompasses range of health disorders which are characterized by the progressive dysfunction of brain that includes speech difficulties, perception, vision, personality, orientation, cognitive skills, incontinence, and high infection rate followed by reduced life span. In a survey conducted by Vos et al. 2007 concluded that dementia is the second leading reason for the death of indigenous people of Australia and further concluded that around 15 % of indigenous death is due to dementia. Figure 1 Leading causes of death in Indigenous Australian, 2003(Source Vos et al. 2007) YOD is termed as a form of dementia which occurs before the age of 65 years. It is very rare before the age of 45 years, but it can begin in the early 30s and there have even been reports of onset in those who are in the mid-20s (Rinfrette 2010). It is estimated that in Australia approximately 10,000 populations has been affected by younger onset dementia (Alzheimer’s Australia 2009). According to data collected from Access Economics 2005, indicated that out of 87,961 cases of dementia in NSW in 2010, 358 has been reported in remote and very remote areas. And further it has been estimated that the rate will increase significantly to 1,026 cases in 2050 (Department of Health 2011). Interestingly, younger onset dementia (YOD) is considered as the emerging chronic health condition for indigenous people at comparatively young ages (under 60 years), especially people residing in remote areas of NSW. It has been statistically stated that indigenous hospitalisation for mental health problems peaked for those aged 25–34 years and 35–44 years (46 and 49 per 1,000 population, respectively). At the peak rate, Indigenous Australians were more than twice as likely to be hospitalised for mental health problems as other Australians. According to Broe et al. 2009, number of indigenous youngster is at high risk of younger onset dementia associated with head injuries and cognitive damages due to drugs intoxication and alcohol abuse. According to study conducted by Alzheimer’s Australia 2009, the reason behind the onset of dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is probably due to Prevalence of high rates of chronic disease Excessive and risky alcohol consumption and homelessness. Limited access and availability of dementia support counselling and services (Broe et al. 2009). Fear of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to undergo medical system and treatment (Broe et al. 2009). Indigenous populations along with health professionals are unaware about the facts that younger people may have dementia. Generally indigenous community refers dementia as a â€Å"sick spirit† and believes that lose of connection to the land, culture, tradition and customs cause these sickness (Broe et al 2009). And in addition, limited research has been done on the younger onset dementia regarding the indigenous population lining in remote area due to cultural, languages and geographical difficulties. As a consequence, there is poor and limited access to services that provide care and social support for younger indigenous people and their careers and the condition can have a devastating impact on the person with younger onset dementia, their family, their children and their friends (Alzheimer’s Australia 2009). Thus there is need of management of YOD among the indigenous population in remote area of Australia. Propose six question that would answer the scope, nature and priorities of dementia (YOD) in aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Understanding the need and necessity of management of dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in remote areas this unit has proposed six cardinal questions that would address all the issues regarding scope, nature and priorities of dementia. Which type of dementia is most common in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in remote and rural areas of Australia and rate of dementia? Which indigenous population in the remote area is mostly affected by dementia? In which gender dementia is most common or prevalent? What is the extent of dementia within the remote area of Australia? What are the risk factors associated with dementia and factor affecting diagnosis of dementia in indigenous people? What are the burdens, trend and mortality rate of dementia in indigenous population? Outline of major categories included to indentify and answer the question raised. Following categories will be included, Geographical Distribution. Demographic Distribution. Age Gender Risk Factor (including education, employment, drug use, alcohol abuse and other risk factors). Trend and morbidity of the dementia . Availability of health services need to manage dementia To analysis the need of younger onset dementia in indigenous people in remote area of New South Wales, Australia, following step will be considered, All the relevant data will be collected from the authorised and secure website and publications. Following website will be used to accumulate the data for the interpretation and assessment of the health need proposed because all the relevant and authentic data are available in this website regarding Australian population. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). Alzheimer’s Australia. Department of Health (DoH). Access Economics. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Health Statistics of NSW. Dementia Collaboration Research Centre. Others authorised journal publication wed site. As the health need is about aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders residing in remote area of Australia, primarily geographical distribution of indigenous people will be identified from the website. For instant Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and Australian Bureau of Statistic will be used to accumulate these data. Fig 2. Representing geographical distribution of indigenous people in Australia (Source AIHW). Indigenous people affected with younger onset dementia will be identified on the basis of demographic distribution such as gender and particular age group. For the determination of these data AIHW, ABS, Alzheimer’s Australia and Department of Health (DoH) will be used. It is mandatory to collect these data so as to identify which age group has been severely affected by dementia and to compare the prevalence of younger onset dementia within male and female of indigenous society in remote areas. Fig. 3. Prevalence of dementia in indigenous and non indigenous population of Australia (Source AIHW) For example, from the above mentioned data it had been estimated that in indigenous population the rate of dementia significantly increased with the age group 25, peaked with age group 35-44 and declined further. From evidence it had been identified that Vascular dementia and head injury dementia was the main reason for the significant increment in these age group. All the factors that are associated with the massive increment of younger onset dementia will be included. Factors included will be Education Employment Drug abuse Alcoholism Mortality And other risk factor that promoted the prevalence of younger onset dementia in aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in remote areas of Australia. For identification of all these factor along with the trend of YOD will be been extracted from AIHW, ABS, Alzheimer’s Australia, Department of Health, Health Statistics NSW and the journals published by authorised publication like Pub med. Availability of health services to manage dementia within the indigenous community and utilisation of these heath services will be focused. From the previous study about the indigenous people of Australian suggest that the geographical difficulties, limited health work force, stubborn ignorance of indigenous population and unwillingness of these people to visit health facilities provided to indigenous community has limited the visit of indigenous people to utilise the facilities provided to these community. Thus regarding these issues data will be collected to understand the situation and know whether there is any progress in the utilisation of health faculties. The data or information will be collected from AIHW, Department of Health, ABS and other journal publications. Limitations of data source As a matter of fact, collection of data is a tedious process. And in addition data collection of indigenous population in rural and remote area in even more difficult because of the geographical difficulties, language issues, cultural and social barriers and stubborn tolerance of aboriginal community. Following limitation could be prevalent while extracting data from the above mentioned websites, Lack of information or data about the indigenous population. Due to geographical difficulties, only limited research has been done in the remote area. As a result only few data are available about the health status and health issues in indigenous community. Thus it is difficult to collect the appropriate data from the data source. Misdiagnosis(Carrington et al. 2011) In most of the surveys and reports, it has been suggested that due to cultural and language issues, adequate information and data regarding health issues of indigenous people has not included. This circumstance certainly affect the accuracy of the data presented and leads to faulty report and inaccurate conclusion of the data collected. Under-reporting (Anderson , Baum Bently 2007) Fear of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to undergo medical system and treatment (Broe et al. 2009) has led to under-reporting of health status of indigenous people. Factors that will determine the extent of this health problem in 20 years time Following factors will determine the extent of YOD in 20 years time Life Expectancy Recent evidence from ‘Close the Gap’ reporting and data suggests that the health and life span of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is improving (Thomas et al. 2006). On the other hand, any increment in life expectancy may lead to an increase in the prevalence of dementia because more people will live to the age where the prevalence of forms of dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease is the highest, estimated to be responsible for 70% of dementia cases in old age above 65 years. Thus if this situation arises then form to dementia will shift from vascular and frontotemporal dementia to Alzheimer’s dementia in next 20 years. Management of Life style and diet As younger onset dementia is largely associated with head injuries and cognitive damages due to drugs intoxication and alcohol abuse management of diet might alleviate the risk of YOD. On the other hand, management of this risk factor might increase the life expectancy of indigenous people and further leads to increase Alzheimer’s dementia which is more frequent in old age. Reference Access Economics 2005, Dementia Estimates and Projections, NSW and its regions, NSW. Anderson, I., Baum, F. Bentley, M., Exploring the underlying Social Determinants of Aboriginal Health, Paper from the Scoial Determinants of Aboriginal Health Workshop, Adelaide. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2011, The health and welfare of Australian’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people an overview, Cat No. IHW 42, Canberra, AIHW. Alzheimer’s Australia 2009, National Consumer Summit Younger Onset Dementia Not too young for dementia, Canberra. Broe, G.A., Pulver, L.J., Arkles. R., Robertson. H., Kelso. W., Chalkley, S. Draper. B., Cognition, Ageing and Dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people: A review of the literature, Dementia Collaborative Research Centre Assessment and Better Care Outcomes, pp. 1-4. Carrington, C.J.S., Li, J., Mitrou, F. Zubrick, S. R.,† Socioeconomic disparities in the mental health of Indigenous children in Western Australia†, BMC Public Health, Vol 12, pp. 1-12. Department of Health (DoH) 2011, New South Wales Dementia Services Framework 2010-2015, GL2011-004, NSW. Rinfrette, E. S. 2010, Impact on Informal Caregivers for those with Early Onset Dementia, State University of New York, Buffalo, Thompson, P., Bradshaw, P. M., Veroni, M. Wilkes, E., â€Å"Cardiovacular risk among urbasn Aboriginal people†, Medical Journal of Australia, Vol. 179, Issue. 3, pp 143-146. Vos. T., Barker. B., Stanley. L. Lpoez A. D, 2007, ’The burden of disease and injury in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples: Summary Report†, Brisbane, School of Population Health, The University of Queensland. Page | 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Easter Uprising of 1916 Essay -- Essays Papers

The Easter Uprising of 1916 The Easter Uprising of 1916 was an event that happened at the tail end of a long list of events that would forever change Ireland. The Uprising or Rising, as some call it, took place mostly in Dublin but was felt throughout Ireland. The point was to gain independence from Great Britain who had ruled Ireland for the past couple hundred years. At the turn of the 19th century England believed that Ireland had too much independence and made the Act of Union. â€Å"The result was the Act of Union of 1801: the Irish parliament voted itself out of existence and England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales were formally politically unified for the first time† (Hegarty 2). Around the time of the First World War, Ireland began the fight for the Home Rule to be enacted. But this kind of rule was quickly overturned with the start of the Easter Rising in 1916; two years after World War I broke out in Europe. The pull of the Home Rule Act led to the formation of the Citizen Army which was a major cause of the Easter Rising. James Connolly used the Citizen Army to protect his newspaper â€Å"The Workers’ Republic† to call for an armed revolt (Green 5). The Easter Uprising left 440 British and 75 Irish troops dead in the end. To shows the disapproval of the Rising Britain publicly executed fifteen leaders of the Uprising and 60 others via firing squad. Many more other were sentenced to long prison terms. Of all of the things that could have happened in Ireland, the Easter Uprising was by far the most unpopular thing to do in the eye of the Dublin public. The majority of people in Dublin at the beginning of the 20th century did not want the Uprising to happen, because it would postpone the ability to gain their independ... continues to be one of the quickest growing countries in modern day Europe despite all of the problems it had to put up with to get there. Sources BBC, The. The Executions. 8, February 2004 BBC 1 The Blacks and Tans.8, February 2004 Easter Uprising, The The Easter Uprising of 1916. 8 February 2004 <> Green, Michael. The Easter Rising in Ireland, 1916. 30 January 2004 Hegarty, N and Harvey-Craig, A. History of Dublin. 25 January 2004 Luby, Damian. Irish Liberation. 25 January 2004

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Gentle Art of Web Pages Essay -- Web Internet Design Essays Papers

The Gentle Art of Web Pages For the last millennium, adventurous souls have been accessing new and unfamiliar frontiers in search of adventure and a taste of the exotic. The last decade ushered in with it an appeal to the more intrepid members of this small group of people: The Internet. Access to this particular medium has hit an all-time high in the 1990's, and every tekkie has his own celebration of self occupying space on it. However, not all of the sites on the Internet are shameless celebrations of self. Some of these pages can be found to have their roots in the archaic designs of the past; some are the logical progression for a technological innovation such as the internet. One of these progressions, cyberpunk, the 90's answer to the technological underdog, has made its presence known on the Internet; science fiction pages also abound. These sites have brought with them some of the most innovative and artistic features of hypertext mark-up language (HTML) ever conceived. One site in particular, the Sci-Fi Channel homepage, Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion , has properties unlike any other seen on the Internet. Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion is the shining example of a good web site because it contains the characteristics of a flawless page: the information is concise and well-organized, the graphics displayed are both aesthetically pleasing and practical, it contains features that are not seen anywhere else, and it is easy to use and understand. The creators of the Sci-Fi channel felt it their professional obligation to carve out their own section of cyberspace; hence the existence of the page at "http://www.s... ...enced web surfers and internet neophytes will find this page easy to use and understand. The first hurdle overcome by the designers (which is getting users to find and understand the site), the visitor can now concentrate on delving deeper into the site. Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion is one of the most innovative web sites on the Internet at this time. It's use of aesthetically pleasing and practical graphics, of HTML features not seen anywhere else, and of information which is concise and well-organized, as well as the fact that it is easy to use and understand make this the template from which all other homepages should be made. What's more, the fact that it is a commercial site makes it more credible than a one made by a fan of the channel. As a result, the Internet would be easier to utilize and more accessible, catapulting society into the 21st generation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Romantic Sensibility :: Romantic Period

In life as well as literature, some sought to display their sensibility by weeping and fainting and blushing and reacting extravagantly to scenes of poverty or illness. Sensibility was understood as a capacity intimately connected with the physical nature of nerves. Essential to its existence was its operation on the body as well as the mind. Thus a propensity to blush and weep might be taken as evidence that the weepers, full of sensibility, loved their neighbours as themselves. (Spacks 141) During the Romantic period, the Sensibility movement began: as a result, the "conduct of private affections, charity, education, sympathy, genius, honour, and even the use of reason†¦became political statements" (Jones 13). Romantic Sensibility essentially moralized the enactment of sensitivity towards others (Spacks 127), arguing that empathetically-based relationships bring individuals together to form a unified, respectful, and moral social sphere. Key characteristics of the movement's literary adaptation include "anti-rationalism, a focus on emotional response and somatized reactions (tears, swoons, deathly pallor), a prevailing mood of melancholy, fragmentation of form, and set-piece scenes of virtue in distress" (Manning 81). The relationship between the novel of Romantic Sensibility and the Gothic novel is worth further academic inquiry as, similar to the genre of the Gothic, there is often a tendency in novels of Romantic Sensibility to "play with excess and arousal (wit h all the connotations of uncontrollable sexual excitation implied)" (Manning 90).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Global Environmental Issues Essay

As the third world countries struggle with famines poverty wars and population growth, the communities in the third world countries are discovering the potential impacts of these problems in the form of increased water, air and land pollution. In most of third world countries pollution is almost unchecked and developed nations dump untreated sewage flows and toxic wastes in to rivers. At many times the choice of third world countries is between poison or poverty and basic needs like clothing shelter and food takes the precedence (Murphy, 73). On the other hand forming and enforcing environmental policies in the third world countries becomes economically disastrous and therefore most environmental issues are therefore not addressed by the governments of the poor countries (Murphy, 73). The health of the environment in third world countries is exacerbated by developed nations which take the advantage of the third world countries dilemma. Developed nations dump hazardous wastes in developing nations (Murphy, 73). Industrialized nations also built industrial premises in developing nation to avoid environmental regulations which they would face at their home countries. Transnational corporations that produce chemicals that are deemed dangerous in developed nation find their market in third word countries. In third world countries the government cannot restrict the use of these chemical because it would be very costly for the citizens in the third world countries in trying to make a living (Murphy, 73). In addition to the problems created by industrialization and development third world countries also suffer environmental difficulties that are caused by war and poverty among other causes. Third world environmental issues are such as air pollution, water pollution, desertification, soil erosion, deforestation and environmental poisoning. Environmental pollution both from developed nations and third world countries come from multiple sources and therefore reduction of this problem has to be tackled by international government, corporations, non governmental organizations and individuals alike (Murphy, 73). The largest single role must be played by the respective governments which will involve regulation and enforcement of anti pollution measures. These decisions are not simple as there may be balance struck between disruption of commerce and reduction of environmental pollution and between ambitious spending programs and conservative fiscal policies. Best intentions in third world countries sometimes lead to contradictory result. For example hoy no circular programs in Mexico was intended to reduce traffic by forbidding driving one day per every week depending on the number of licenses but the program was subverted and may be the result of the increased vehicle sales in this country (Magraw, 82). On the other hand there is no country that can effectively protects its environment and solve the numerous environmental problems on its own (Magraw, 84). No matter how the country is advanced in technology and science or how it is perfect on its means of implementation of the environmental law or how perfect it is in its means of legislation, an independent efforts to reduce environmental problems are not enough (Magraw, 86). Therefore it requires global efforts to reduce environmental problems. Moreover there is no country that can be able to pay costs of environmental degradation on its own including the ever increasing costs of the new technologies that are being developed to remedy environmental pollution (Magraw, 87). Since we share the same environment globally and given that international community is an organic whole we can argue that man endeavors to solve the global environmental issue can not be accomplished and will be to no avail if they fail to bring into play all the positive factors and unite the available forces. Bibliography: Rajan M: Global Environmental Politics: India and the North-South Politics of Global Environmental Issues, 1997. ISBN 0195640489, Oxford University Press. Pickering K & Owen L: An Introduction to Global Environmental Issues: Instructors’ Manua. 1997. ISBN 0415166640, Routledge. Harris F: Global Environmental Issues. 2004. ISBN 0470845619, John Wiley and Sons. Diaz A & West S: Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2005. ISBN 1402037732, Springer.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Purpose and Meaning of Human Existence Essay

One of the great ironies with respect to Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is that one of the world’s greatest plays is so poorly understood. There are, to be sure, many conflicting interpretations. Precise themes or intentions have been difficult to discern from the play’s text. These interpretive difficulties have been complicated by the fact that Beckett was often evasive when asked about the exact purpose of certain characters in the play or the meaning of the text. This is not meant to suggest that certain themes and intentions cannot be determined, for there certainly appear to be certain thematic patterns, but instead to suggest that the play does appear in certain ways to be open to different types of interpretations. A review of the scholarly texts and articles, for instance, reveals academic arguments to the effect that the play is about God, salvation, the French resistance to German occupation in the historical period in which the play was written, the purpose of human existence, and the meaningless of time. With such a variety of interpretations, supported by specific references to the play’s text and other historical circumstances, it would seem nearly impossible to identify an overarching or unifying theme. A careful examination of the play’s text, however, suggests that such a dominant thematic element can be found. The thesis of this paper, therefore, is that the dominant theme in Waiting for Godot is the human being’s search for purpose and meaning in a world that human beings either do not understand or cannot understand. In support of this thesis, this paper will attempt to harmonize the different critical interpretations and demonstrate that the main characters through their dialogue on a number of different subjects consistently illustrate the human quest for purpose and meaning in a world that seems hopelessly beyond their comprehension. Critical Confusion and Multiple Interpretations: Harmonizing Different Perspectives As an initial matter, before proceeding to an examination of the play’s text, it is useful to present the critical confusion that has arisen from multiple interpretations of the play. This is useful because even these different interpretations can be harmonized to some extant if the truly dominant theme of the play is said to be the human search for purpose and meaning in a complicated or complex world. It is well-established, for example, that the play presents a series of universal questions; specifically, as one academic has observed, â€Å"Waiting for Godot, in many ways, simply extends those uncertainties: Why are we here? Are we alone in an uncaring universe, or not? What are we to do while we are here? How can we know? And, ultimately, what does it matter? â€Å"(Hutchings x) These types of questions, to a large extant, transcend many of the conflicting interpretations. If Godot is God, as some have argued, then Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for God. They freely admit that they are not particularly familiar with Godot and this admission reflects and reinforces the fact that these two human beings do not have a perfect knowledge of the creator of their world. If Godot is not God, as some have argued, then Vladimir and Estragon are perhaps waiting for some type of intellectual spark in order to tell them why they are waiting, whether they should leave, or whether it might be better to leave their spot by the tree and take affirmative steps to go and find the mysterious Godot. In either event, whether Godot represents God or a figurative type of intellectual illumination, the core theme is one of two human beings who seem consistently unable to determine what to do. They engage in a series of superficial conversations, they consider suicide as a way of ending their confusion, and in the end they remain firmly planted on the country road much as the tree where they wait is firmly planted in the ground. Even if one is to assume, as some scholars have, that the play is really an artistic allusion to the French resistance or the onset of the Cold War, this does not necessarily undermine the notion that human beings are somehow trapped within a world or social circumstances in which they have little control or little understanding. The important point, for purposes of this paper’s thesis, is that the conflicting interpretations can be transcended if one assumes that the transcendental theme is one most specifically related to the human being’s search for purpose and meaning in a confusing physical world. Whether Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for God, a real person, intellectual knowledge of social circumstances, or the laws of the universe is fundamentally tangential to the fact that they are helpless in the circumstances that Beckett has created. They are petty, feeble, and passive. The rest of this paper therefore proceeds from the assumption that the conflicting interpretations can be unified by treating the fundamental theme as the search for purpose and meaning in life. This fundamental theme will be discussed in the following sections by referring to specific features of the play. Significance of Human Companionship: Pairs, Dependence, and Shared Searches One of the most important structural features of the play is the fact that human beings are portrayed as being extraordinarily dependent and unable to exist in isolation or individually. This is most evident in the fact that the play’s characters come in pairs and seem in many ways to be inseparable. The main characters, for instance, are Vladimir and Estragon. It would appear that they have arrived as a pair, they continue to wait as a pair, and although they never leave they do talk about leaving as a pair. They have different personalities, they would appear to have different backgrounds given the different stories that they tell, and yet they seem unwilling or unable to separate and go their own ways. This notion of human inseparability, a common fear or ignorance about the meaning of human existence, is particularly clear when Vladimir and Estragon are discussing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the two thieves on the cross next to Jesus. Specifically, the fear of being alone and the emphasis of human companionship is provided in the following passage VLADIMIR: Ah yes, the two thieves. Do you remember the story? ESTRAGON: No. VLADIMIR: Shall I tell it to you? ESTRAGON: No. VLADIMIR: It’ll pass the time. (Pause. ) Two thieves, crucified at the same time as our Saviour. One— ESTRAGON: Our what? VLADIMIR: Our Saviour. Two thieves. One is supposed to have been saved and the other . . . (he searches for the contrary of saved) . . . damned (Becket n. p. ) This passage illustrates the need for human companionship and also the need for human beings to depend on each other. This companionship is necessary because human beings must face the uncertainties of the world and human existence together. The dependence is thus caused by a fear that individuals will be unable to cope with these uncertainties whereas humans sharing these fears can at least confront these uncertainties together. This common bond, in short, helps human beings to deal with their confusion about the meaning of human existence better than if they pondered these questions alone. An examination of the entire play consistently reinforces these notions of companionship and dependence. Later on in the play, for example, Vladimir and Estragon are considering suicide and the pair again grow concerned that one will successfully commit suicide and the other will fail. The prospect that one of them will die and one will live is a frightening thought for both men because one will be unattended in death and the other will be unattended in life. Again, because the purpose and the meaning of human existence is unknown both in life and in death, the pair refuse to split up or pursue any action that might destroy their emotional and physical bonds. At another point in the play, Estragon states that â€Å"There are times when I wonder if it wouldn’t be better for us to part† to which Vladimir responds rather matter-of-factly â€Å"You wouldn’t go far. † (Beckett n. p. ). The play could not exist as it was intended if the pair ever did separate. The quest for purpose and the meaning of human existence is therefore a common human quest rather than an individual’s personal burden. These notions of human companionship and a shared quest are even more powerfully presented with the human pairing of Pozzo and Lucky. In their first appearance, Lucky is a slave and yet he prefers being a slave and being dependent to being set free. Lucky is ridiculed, he is called a pig, and yet he reacts angrily when someone other than Pozzo attempts to help him; more particularly, he kicks Estragon in the shins. A telling scene in this respect is when Lucky appears to faint after dancing and giving his rather incoherent speech; more particularly, Pozzo is deeply fearful at the prospect of losing his slave when he says Don’t let him go! (Vladimir and Estragon totter. ) Don’t move! (Pozzo fetches bag and basket and brings them towards Lucky. ) Hold him tight! (He puts the bag in Lucky’s hand. Lucky drops it immediately. ) Don’t let him go! (He puts back the bag in Lucky’s hand. Gradually, at the feel of the bag, Lucky recovers his senses and his fingers finally close round the handle. ) Hold him tight! (Beckett n. p. ) Even a human master is dependent on his slave, the companionship of master and slave is intimate because both fear facing the uncertainties of life alone, and like the bond that exists between Vladimir and Estragon, so too does a very real bond exist between Pozzo and Lucky. This bond is reinforced in the second act when Pozzo returns blind and his neck is tied to a rope being held by Lucky. Pozzo could not sell his slave and the slave is now leading the master. As if these two clues were not enough, Beckett included yet one more human pair to emphasize the common fears that human beings have about the purpose of their lives and the meaning of human existence. This final human pairing is the boy sent as Godot’s messenger. The boy and Godot constitute a final human pairing and the boy recounts to Vladimir and Estragon that Godot is real and that Godot â€Å"beats my brother. † (Beckett, n. p. ) Despite the beatings, the boy and his brother remain with Godot as is established at the end of the second act. This scene is also notable because it establishes that Godot exists and that the most essential human relationships are about the aforementioned human pairings rather than about Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot. The waiting, as it were, may simply be the context within which Beckett sought to establish the shared human bonds with respect to their confusion about the meaning of life. The question thus becomes how these dependent and mutually burdened companions ought to approach their lives. Function of Idleness: Fear of Action and Aversion to Failure In addition to their unwillingness to separate, Vladimir and Estragon seem also quite unwilling to commit to any action despite a great deal of conversation. To be sure, the play is marked almost exclusively by dialogue rather than action. The pair carry on a series of seemingly endless conversations, most of them rather childish and inane, and these conversations in the end seem to represent a rather firm commitment to making no commitments at all. Vladimir, for example, recognizes this fear of action or commitment when he says to Estragon Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we are personally needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late! (Beckett qtd. in Brater 147) Vladimir and Estragon, for all of their apparent desire to actually meet Godot, are wholly unprepared to take any affirmative steps to actually go and locate him on their own initiative. They admit that time is passing, that they represent â€Å"all mankind†, and that it will be â€Å"too late† if they do not do something. It is this very inability to do something, an inability which they represent figuratively as all human beings, that characterizes their function in the play. There are several clues to the effect that they can find Godot if they were not inhibited or afraid in some way. First, Vladimir and Estragon have obviously followed a country road to the tree where they are waiting for Godot. The fact that they have walked this particular country road, and selected this particular tree, suggests that they know in which direction the mysterious Godot resides. Presumably, if their actions were not somehow constrained, they would simply continue walking along the same country road until they found Godot. They could ask for directions or assistance along the way and they could become more active in pursuit of their ultimate destination. The problem, however, is that both Vladimir and Estragon perhaps do not know their precise destination. The second clue to the effect that the waiting of Vladimir and Estragon is a product of their own doing rather than Godot’s apparent tardiness is the fact that a boy appears twice in the play as a messenger. The boy admits quite literally that he and his brother know Godot, that they are employed or otherwise beholden to him in certain respects, and that he will return to Godot as soon as his message has been provided to Vladimir and Estragon. Why, then, could they not have simply followed the boy home to Godot? Indeed, this is a curious question that can only be resolved if one assumes that Godot is irrelevant to the waiting. Some interpretations, it must be acknowledged, have suggested that Beckett intended Godot as God and that they boy messenger was intended as a type of angel ( Mercier 27); such an interpretation, whether accurate or not, does not undermine a thesis to the effect that the predominant theme remained man’s tentative quest to understand himself and the universe in which he lived. This is true for a couple of reasons. First, when asked whether he intended Godot as God, Beckett repeatedly stated that there was never intended to be any relationship between Godot and God. Presumably, the play’s author knows what was intended. That many interpretations have focused on Godot as God, however, is not surprising. The names are almost the same and the quest to understand the nature and the meaning of human existence necessarily implicates some questions related to God and how the universe was created. Thus, although these interpretations are somewhat rational, the evidence that can be derived from Beckett’s own statements and the play’s text taken as a whole counsel against such an interpretation. God is relevant, as one possible explanation for the meaning of human life, but Godot is no more God than Vladimir and Estragon are hoping for salvation. Godot is Godot and the human pair waiting by the tree are seeking understanding and illumination rather than salvation. Second, the play’s theme is more about the waiting and the rational underlying the waiting than it is about Godot. The entire play, to be sure, takes place in one setting. Other settings, including Godot’s, are tangential and not central features of the play’s structure. The waiting, in this respect, transcends the distant character vaguely known as Godot. One leading scholar of the play has noted how the waiting is more important than Godot by arguing that The play’s minimal plot and action are accurately described in its title: throughout the duration of the play, and throughout an undeterminable amount of time that elapses in their lives, the two central characters await an event that does not happen and may never happen. Meanwhile, necessarily, they pass away their time in some- times abrasive conversation, in chance encounters with a pair of odd passersby, and in expressions of mutual if sometimes exasperated compassion and the long-standing concern that can develop only between inseparable friends. (Hutchings 23) Taken together, the best argument that one can derive from the play’s text is that there is a dominant theme; that dominant theme, in turn, is that human beings are collectively and inseparably bound together by the fact that they do not know the purpose of the human race or the meaning of their own existence. Such a lack of knowledge encourages closer types of human dependence and simultaneously inspires caution, uncertainty, and fear. All the while, amidst this uncertainty and fear, time passes by and all human beings are faced with dying without ever having understood why they existed in the first place. Life is a tree to which we are all tethered much in the same way that Vladimir and Estragon were figuratively tethered. Conclusion In conclusion, Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is best read as an artistic rendition of the greatest human dilemma of all time. Human beings, in this respect, are born with an imperfect knowledge of themselves and of the universe in which they exist and are expected to function. This imperfect knowledge lends itself to much speculation of the purpose and meaning of human existence, as the many religions around the world forcefully attest to, but in the end it is nothing more than idle and meaningless speculation. Godot, whether he is God or not, is irrelevant in the play. It is the waiting, the search and the confusion that all human beings share, that is the play’s common lamentation. That all of the critics tend to characterize the play as tragedy or comedy somewhat misses the play’s essential nature as a lamentation for a quest for knowledge that can never be fulfilled. We are better advised to forget Godot and get on with living rather than waiting for divine inspiration that will probably never arrive. Works Cited Beckett, Samuel. â€Å"Waiting for Godot. † Samuel Beckett. net Brater, Enoch. â€Å"The Globalization of Beckett’s Godot. † Comparative Drama 37. 2 (2003): 145+. Questia. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. Hutchings, William. Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot: A Reference Guide. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005. Questia. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. Mercier, Vivian. â€Å"The Uneventful Event. † The Critical Response to Samuel Beckett. Ed. Cathleen Culotta Andonian. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. 95-96. Questia. Web. 10 Dec. 2009.

Psychological Theories of Pedophilia and Ephebophilia Essay

The problem of pedophilia and ephebophilia was recently highlighted with the successive scandals involving many catholic priests who allegedly abused children and minors. Although the problem was sensationalized with the recent scandals, it must be noted that it is not limited to the catholic clergy as â€Å"It’s a problem that strikes anywhere, every walk of life, every race, and every social level†. (Richmond, 2009) The article â€Å"Psychological Theories of Pedophilia and Ephebophilia† attempts to explain the underlying theories that explain the said sexual deviant behaviors. It distinguishes the difference between a pedophilia, an adult who has recurrent, intense sexual urges and sexual fantasies involving a prepubescent child below 13 years old and an ephebophilia, who has recurrent, intense sexual urges and sexual fantasies involving a pubescent child or adolescent between the ages 14 and 17 years old. In both cases, the offending adult is at least 5 years older than the victim. A further distinction was made between regressed and fixated pedophiles and ephebophiles. The latter primarily have sexual orientation towards adults and regresses into a sexual urge for children only under extreme duress. The former, on the other hand, are fixated on children and teenagers alone. The article cites earlier studies, such as that from Araji and Finkelhorn which view the theories of pedophilia according to four broad categories: emotional congruence, sexual arousal, blockage and inhibition. At the outset, the article clarifies that that there is no clear and definite pattern of their background. Their religious, vocation, socio-economic, education backgrounds are widely diverse, heterogeneous and complex, thus making it difficult to narrow down the specific characteristics of these offenders. Owing to the diversity of backgrounds of pedophiles and ephebophiles, the author investigates the causes of the disorders by analyzing them using two broad categories, (1. ) the psychological theories including psychic, social and environmental factors, and (2. ) the hypothesized biological strata of the disorder. By taking a multi-faceted approach, one is able to compartmentalize the types of offenders according to above theories, thus making analysis of these disorders more organized, direct, and systematic. Psychological Theories Psychoanalytic theories look at deviant sexual behaviors as stemming from early childhood trauma (ages 2-5 years), causing one’s arrested development and explains why the person eventually becomes the offender and repeats the offense later in adulthood in an attempt to mask the anxiety. Meanwhile, family system theories stresses the role of unresolved intergenerational family dynamics on certain family members which argues that deviant behavior is learned within the family, and eventually, spreads across family lines. Behaviorism and social learning theories stress the importance of learning our behavior. In other words, behavior is learned and acquired through early experiences that either brings guilt or pleasure or both. Biological Theories Biological theories attempt to connect deviant sexual behaviors with brain disease. It attempts to answer 2 basic questions, such as: 1. What effect does the brain have on perverse sexual behavior? 2. Can deviant sexual arousal be attributed to brain disease or damage? More specifically, psychologists have found a strong link between high testosterone levels among males and sexual aggression. Subsequently, studies suggest that the level of testosterone in fetuses can be affected by the mother’s intake of specific drugs and stress. Certain studies do seem to suggest a direct correlation between high levels of testosterone and deviant sexual behavior as proven by high levels of testosterone found among pedophiles and in another study, elevated levels of â€Å"luteinising hormone†. In this respect, an anti-androgenic medication such as Depo Provera lowers the level of testosterone in the human body and has been moderately successful in the treatment of sexually deviant men. REFERENCE Richmond, R. The National Institute for the Renewal of the Priesthood. (21 May 2009) Pedophilia not just a clergy problem, police expert says. Retrieved 17 June 2009 from http:// www. jknirp. com/richmond. htm.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Theme: Gender Stereotyping Essay

Based on the novel, The Curse by Lee Su Ann, I have acquired an interesting theme from the many others that have been portrayed in the story. The theme is gender stereotyping, in which, involves unfair treatment upon the rights of a certain gender requiring them to act in a certain manner, where it is greatly influenced by culture and upbringing. There are a few unfortunate characters in the story who have been condemned to such discrimination and in this story; the female gender faces the dilemma of being subjected to gender stereotyping. The first character is Siti, Puan Kamsiah’s 17 year old daughter. She is a student about in the course of taking her SPM but we have seen in the story where Siti monologues about having to ask a teacher at school to persuade her father to let sit for the exam. Traditionally, the female stereotypic role is to marry early, be obedient and submissive and Siti, like every other woman before her, is required to follow the customs and norms. This shows that in that society, women, in general, have no say in their lives especially for someone as young as Siti. Siti was also portrayed to have felt a sense of envy towards Azreen who was lucky enough to have furthered her studies overseas, in London, while she is still shaky on taking her SPM. Opinion provided, her father’s role in making decisions may well ruin the possibility of a bright future as mentioned in the book where Siti is actually a hard-working student who loves to study. Secondly, the character Madhuri is the perfect depiction of how gender stereotyping may ruin someone’s life and in her case, it took away her life. Madhuri as portrayed in the novel is the perfect example of a woman who possesses the behaviour requirements and is considered innocent by the villagers through her soft spoken ways. She can teach Qu’ran lessons to the children of the village and she can cook very well as seen when Azreen’s mother asks for the porridge Madhuri made. Madhuri also obliges her father’s manipulative orders to marry Haji Ghani despite having the flutters for another. Additionally, Madhuri takes care of her parents even after her marriage to Haji Ghani. As a reader, I have seen how this changed in the  eyes of Azreen when she finds out the truth regarding her sister’s death and secret love affair to Asraf. Madhuri’s character takes a big leap in change and naturally becomes her facade to cover up for the forbidden affair that she had entangled herself into. She is no longer the perfect idol for women to follow and men to like and this contrast led to her demise. In my opinion, her naivety to confess her true heart led to the adulteration of her flawless personality which was perceived by the ignorant and self-righteous villagers. When her egoistic father discovered the truth, he had killed her in uncontrollable rage, not being able to accept his daughter loving other than her own husband. Lastly, gender stereotyping is depicted throughout the novel, in the main character Azreen through the aspect of female behaviourism. This statement is further proven when Azreen’s school friends start to cast suspicious eyes towards her when she behaves unlady-like. She plays hockey with the boys and even â€Å"laughs like a bunch of hyenas† with them. To them, as a woman, Azreen is not expected to be tomboyish and hangs too closely with boys. She is also considered obstinate and rude by the villagers and her own parents when she chooses to speak her mind rather than remain silent which is against the norms of the villagers as shown in various occasions in the novel, namely, the bull incident where she takes the blame for Asraf out of loyalty in friendship. In my opinion, Azreen’s unladylike and outspoken behaviour has triggered a sense of discomfort among the people around her as she does behave in the stereotyped manner, where they perceive her as disrespectin g the elderly. People tend to be cast out when they don’t follow certain norms of a society. This is evident in the reasons that I have stated. In my opinion, Lee Su Ann has shown perfectly how narrow-minded thinking can lead to detrimental outcomes. These sorts of stereotypes can prove harmful; they can stifle individual expression and creativity, as well as hinder personal and professional growth. Additional point: Puan Fatihah. In the sense of a woman having to marry and produce offspring, Puan Fatihah is seen as someone who has failed this. She is incapable of bearing her husband a child and always feels insecure about herself. This flaw renders her nearly useless in her husband’s eyes when she is unable to fulfill her duty as wife. I can understand her pain of insecurity as she looks into the mirror and see her unstoppable aging face. Meanwhile, Hj Ghani the insensitive husband marries another woman, Madhuri, who is by both men and women’s standards beautiful. We have seen how much the villagers worship her flawless personality and beauty and Hj Ghani, despite a wise man, also falls for the stereotyped mind set. Pn Fatihah’s declining beauty has caused her to feel envy towards Madhuri and to be angry at her husband. However, it is not her fault, but rather, the fault of the villagers who use the subject of beauty to measure the worth of a woman. How sure you are that it was not Hj Ghani who is barren? Madhuri, the second wife, also did not produce a child for him before her untimely death.